Thursday, October 16, 2014

Entry #11 - The Final Spark

Well everyone, it looks like this is goodbye. Blogging with you all has been a great experience. I enjoyed it while it lasted. Time flew by so quickly... When I was young it seemed like eight weeks took forever to pass. Now it seems as though I lose track of time in the blink of an eye! Time flow constantly and stops for no one. I guess it flows faster the older you get.

I really enjoyed blogging in this class. It was a great assignment because I was able to connect with new people and learn new things. I also feel as though I have a better grasp on Rhetoric now. I've started applying these new tactics on my tumblr blog and I'd say it's going well. 

I will be taking ENG102 with Professor Nielson again starting next week. I hope we get to blog again or have another interesting and engaging assignment. I liked having the chance to connect with new people. I made a really good friend through this project and I kind of feel like I need to thank my professor for giving me the chance to meet him.

I'm really going to miss this blog. I was actually really sad when it came time for me to type up this final blog entry... I know I'll see some of you in the future. I hope to at the very least.

May the sparks from this fire find themselves on a new path. For this is the final spark from this now dying flame. 

Goodbye, my friends! Let's meet again in the next life.

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Entry #10 - Photographic Memories

I'm going to show you all my favorite song. It's by a band called Steam Powered Giraffe that my friend Stephan Luna showed me. It's called Photographic Memories. One of the many reasons I like this song so much is because of the lyrics. We all remember our pasts, right? I mean... We remember the sad moments more than the good moments sometimes. And I'm sure other people have memories that start off wonderful and then end on a sad note. It's those memories that etch themselves into our minds as though we have photographic memories.

Now I'm sure it seems weird to you that they look like robots. I assure you that there is a story to this. I enjoy their backstory and I have provided a link to it below for you to read and enjoy.

Hope is very hard when
Hope is very hard when we
put ourselves out to sea

We've taken all the right steps
taken all the right steps but
which doors open with our keys

All the neon fires fired in our brains
We were thinking that the our world was in danger
but then we entered the fray

All the rest they could
not compare, your
smile said that you cared
and It felt so wonderful

Now all these memories I can't
wash them away, they are
destined to stay
and they feel like a heaven,
those pho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-tah-
graphic memories
and they'll die on with me


All your faults I did
cherish them all, I
helped you up when you'd fall
You did the same for me too

Into my life, you a-
rrived right on time, you
must have been a sign
and now I am left with all these
graphic memories
and they'll die on with me


Your eyes
burn two giant holes
straight to my heart
my love spills out
concurs you whole
now we're swimming
around in the love
and it soaks into our skin
though mine is metal
and yours is flesh
our differences make this the best

Love in town and we skip to every destination
we're putting on show everywhere we go
sparks fly from my lips
its an electric kiss
Static abound, frequency sounds
hand-in-hand we dance around
I'm generating lots of love holding your hand
They can hear our motors turning across the land


Hope is very hard when
Hope is very hard when you've
lost the thing you had before

I took all the right steps
I took all the right steps and I
unlocked and opened the right door

All the neon fires died out in my brain
I grew numb to that feeling of pain
Why did you have to go?

All the rest they could
never compare, your
smile showed me that you cared
and It felt so wonderful

All those memories I can't
wash them away, they are
embedded in my brain
and I am all alone now
with these
graphic memories
and they'll die on with me..

There are so many different genres of music out there. Each and every song tells a lot about who you are and they all tell different stories. Why do you listen to the music you like? Is it the beat? The singer's voice? Maybe the instruments used sound amazing to you. Or maybe you're like me and you enjoy music because of the lyrics involved and the storied told. I'm not saying instrumental music isn't good either. Even instruments can say a lot about a song. So what is your favorite song? What do you think that song says about who you are?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Entry #9 - Pink Slime

Now I'm sure some of you wonder what it is that is in your McDonald's burger or chicken nuggets. How is it that they can sell them for so cheap? Well it turns out that the "Pink Slime" that you're eating is the extra pieces leftover from the higher dollar cuts of meat. They grind it up finely and heat it at a low temperature to destroy about 95% of the fat and cartilage that happens to be taken off with the meat. 

Why is it that Americans will do anything to save a buck? Even large corporations like McDonald's will do anything to save some money. The meat in the video above is treated with Ammonium Hydroxide in order to kill off any bacteria that may have been in the meat. 

In other countries, fast food places don't do these kind of things. A hamburger is ground beef that hasn't been blended and treated with chemicals. Most other countries don't allow meat from America to be used in their food. Isn't that sad? We Americans will do anything to save time and a few dollars.

Is this "Pink Slime" really something you would want in your kid's school lunches? Wouldn't you be willing to spend an extra dollar or so to prevent them from having to eat this mush? I know you wouldn't want to eat something like this yourself. Some stores don't even carry this stuff anymore. 

So before you buy your next McDonald's burger or package of ground beef, check and see if it came from the notorious "Pink Slime."

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Entry #8 - Fruity Loops Studio

I remember being a freshman in high school and wanting nothing more than to create amazing remixes of video game music. I would always go on YouTube and listen to remixes of the soundtracks found of Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon. One of my favorite remixers was Lockerz102 - Who happened to fall off the face of he earth - I messaged him one day and asked how he did it. He explained that he used a program called Fruity Loops Studio and downloaded these song files called MIDIs. He imported these files into FL Studio and remixed them from there.

I spent many hours trying to craft my first remix. I went online and found a MIDI file of the Champion battle theme from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. - I know, I know. Pokemon - I imported my file, changed the instruments around and finished my first remix. I was so proud of myself that I started a YouTube channel and uploaded my remix for the world to see.

Now that I go back and listen to this, I realize how terrible this remix was. Wow it's bad. I guess it's alright for a first remix though.

Every year I go back and re-remix this song. Here's the most recent version:

I have to admit that this version is far better than my first attempt. Wouldn't you agree? I did this one last year in August so I guess it's time to remix it again.

I do more than just remix now. I compose my own music and upload some of it to my YouTube channel. Here's the first song I ever wrote:

For some reason, I couldn't take it straight from YouTube. Oh well. Now I guess this one isn't too bad. At this point I already had some music abilities developed. I used the instruments from previous Pokemon games, or Soundfonts, to create this song. My latest upload to YouTube, however, does not use these Soundfonts.

I've written things since then. I've just been too busy to upload anything. Which is fine. I'l get around to it eventually. All of the songs uploaded to this channel in particular are battle themes. So they aren't really supposed to "flow" the same way a song of a different genre would. 

Now I know I don't have many subscribers or views or anything like that. But who cares? I upload my music because it's something I enjoy doing. Not because I'm looking for subscribers. I actually started a new YouTube channel for my violin work and my newer songs that don't have anything to do with video games or battle music. Once I get some songs up on that one I'll provide a link so you can see what I'm actually capable of. 

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Friday, October 3, 2014

Entry #7 - Fresh

So I have to ask... Do you think about where your food comes from? Do you know what ingredients are in your chicken nuggets or what pesticides are on your "fresh" fruits and vegetables? I bet you've never put much thought into it. I'm right, aren't I? I never put much thought into it until I watch the movie Fresh in my ENG101 class.

I couldn't find the full movie on the internet - I do apologize for that - but here's a trailer of it at least. The many people mentioned in the movie have different view points as far as farming is concerned. The many focus of the film is to discuss the effects industrialized farming is having on our planet as well as how it impacts our overall health. They also talk about how animals are treated on feed lots versus open range farms. 

To be perfectly honest, I never really thought about what they were feeding the animals on farms or how they were being treated. I also never thought about how filthy industrial farms are. I don't really want to eat that kind of food now. I'd rather eat meat that was properly taken care of and not pumped full of steroids and fed meat and grain as opposed to grass.

After watching the film, me and my friend Stephan Luna went to the store and got some organic milk to try for our cereal. I felt better drinking the organic milk than I would have felt if I drank regular processed milk. We both decided to try and start eating more organic foods as opposed to processed food from now on. I think everyone should consider what it is we are consuming and at least try organic food.

So what do you think? Will you try some organic food? Or will you continue to eat processed food?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Entry #6 - The Last Love

Now I'm sure some of you may wonder why it is that I talk about love so often. I talk about it because I never used to understand it. I used to think that love was nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain. A reaction caused by the release of Oxytocin and Dopamine. In all honesty, I felt as though love itself was false. There are always going to be reasons for people to feel this way. I even wrote about my experience with it in my last English paper. It would be so much easier if our soul mate had a matching tattoo that made them easier to find. I'm sure we can all agree on that.

The video "The Last" by Wong Fu Productions - Posted Above - really struck a chord with me. A simple question. "How many have you loved?" Most people would say "You're my one and only." But he states that he has loved five girls. Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Who he loved was a girl from college. What he loved was an old friend. When he loved was his first girlfriend in high school. Where he loved was the girl he met in Los Angeles. Why he loved was a close friend of his who passed away. All of which were people who shaped who he is. It is because he loved them that he loves the way he does.


So how many have there been and how many more will there be? Every person you love shapes who you are. It is because you loved them that you are the way you are. It's what makes you, you. It doesn't matter who your first love was or how many you loved after. What does matter is who your last love turns out to be. So tell me... Who do you think will be the last?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Entry #5 - Technological Corruption

There are many different takes on what Earth will be like in the future, but what will actually become of the human race? Will we even still live on Earth? Or will be be out in space on great ships? The possibilities are endless. Technology may impact our lives in a positive way but it is also affecting us in a negative way. We have become so dependent on technology that we don't seem to notice the world around us. Even now, as I type this blog entry, I am barely focusing on the outside world. No one stops to talk to me because I am on my laptop and I have my headphones on. I've basically hung a "do not disturb" sign on me. Is this how we humans should go through life?

In this clip from the movie WALL-E -One of my favorite movies- we see how technology seems to envelope our lives. The man and woman literally knocked out of their seats finally recognized that the "Utopia" they had been living in wasn't as amazing as they had thought. Everyone around them is so enveloped in their fancy chairs that they don't even pay attention to anything that's going on around them. Is this the future we're headed towards? 

I feel as though if we don't start being more social with each other, this may be what our future is like. Earth will be destroyed and humans will no longer care to know other humans face to face. Remember when you were a kid and all you ever cared about was making new friends? How many kids do you know that feel that way in this time period?


So now that you've read this think for a minute... How often do you sit in a crowded place and pull out your phone or put on your headphones? We should all go out and try to make new friends by actually talking to people. Go out into the world and meet someone new. You won't regret it.

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Entry #4 - The Truth About Introverts

Everyone seems to put these labels on introverts. They assume that we want to be alone because we hate people or because we are just sad. I'm here to tell you that this isn't the case. We introverts don't spend time alone because we hate people. We actually enjoy socializing with other people. It can just be a bit exhausting. Watch the video below and you'll understand what I mean.
As stated in the video, extroverts thrive on the company of others. For me, all I need is my laptop or a good song to be content. Being lonely and being alone have two completely different meanings. Just because we don't have people around doesn't mean we are sad. And when we do go out we enjoy socializing. Having to communicate with too many people at once can be a bit much though. There are many things we introverts want you to know. This video explains a little bit about how we feel.
"Constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating." To me, truer words haven't been spoken. So tell me... Have I changed the way you think about introverts?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Entry #3 - Earth And Technology

We use technology every day. For most people, this means using a cell phone to send a text or a opening laptop to surf the internet. But for others, using technology means helping to shape the world. Technology is more than just iPhones and HP laptops. It's everything we use in our daily lives. Our futures will be impacted greatly by technology and its use. How do you think the world will look in the future? 

Will Earth be desolate and destroyed? 

Or will Earth flourish with everlasting life?

I personally hope for the "Customized Lifestyles Scenario". Consumers will become producers and we will be the new Ethos for society. A world characterized by diversity. We should all have some take on what we want Earth to look like in the future, right? I mean, who isn't curious about something like that?


I hope the video I shared got you thinking. Earth is ever advancing because of technology. Our world will someday be drastically changed by it. What do you hope for the future?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Entry #2 - The Thing About Short Hair

So I'm sure there are other girls out there who feel the same way I do about having short hair. It can be intense at times and then not so intense other times. Let's face it, having short hair can be great, with the occasional epicness of waking up some mornings and having it look one-hundred percent perfect, or sliding into the bathroom and being able to do a million and one things with it. But sometimes, short hair is not so great. We've all been there, right? You wake up sometimes and your hair is sticking out in every direction, or people come up from behind to talk to you not realizing that you're actually a female.


I decided to cut my hair short in 2011 because I was tired of having long hair. My hair was super thick and extended all the way down to my hips and had been that way for many years. I wanted something different, so my father took me to Walmart and I had them chop it all off. - It may seem weird to go there for a haircut but it's the only place in town that's was able to cut my hair the way I wanted it with no trouble. - I've had short hair ever since that day. 

The video 12 Things Short Haired Girls Know To Be True by BuzzFeed Yellow - posted above - truly defines most of my thoughts when it comes to short hair. I however, never mastered the art of bobby pins. I'm not exactly sure what it is that I would need them for. I barely have any hair to pin back anyway. There are always times when I miss my long hair, but I don't plan on growing my hair out any time soon. For some reason, I feel as though having short hair is perfect for me. It defines who I am as a person. Besides, everyone has a defining factor, right?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Friday, September 5, 2014

Entry #1 - You Want My Opinion?

How do I feel about blogs? To be perfectly honest, every blog is special to someone out here. Whether it be a personal blog or a professional blog, someone, somewhere enjoys looking through it. And plus, someone took time out of their life to make that blog and post things in it. Why should I criticize something someone put time into?


Here are just a few of the blogs I have read through and enjoyed.

The blog Mind Blowing Science is incredibly insightful if you like science as much as I do. I am following them on tumblr and it is interesting to see something new from the science world on my dashboard every time I open up tumblr. 

The blog Texts From Kingdom Hearts is entertaining if you like Kingdom Hearts and extremely random head cannons. This blog in particular interests me because they accept requests from fans for their "text messages" between each character in Kingdom Hearts.

KHInsider is the most popular Kingdom Hearts blog on the internet. They share any and all information on Kingdom Hearts including - but not limited to - release dates, fan art, and information on collectibles.

I love going through all the different types of blogs and seeing what each one talks about. Every blog is unique in it's own way. Just like humans are all unique, right?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Hello. My name is Carina Spann but I prefer to be called Rin. I have other blogs aside from this one on tumblr, so it's going to take time for me to adjust to the layout and style of Blogger. My other blogs are casual, fandom blogs for the Kingdom Hearts video game series. 

Here is a link to my main blog: xTheEternalFlamex

If you don't take interest in Kingdom Hearts you probably won't like this blog but it's still there for anyone interested. xTheEternalFlamex features Organization XIII's number VIII, Axel, who I have provided a picture of on the left. 

"I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people's memories, I can live forever."
         - Lea, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

My other blog on tumblr features Organization XIII's number VII, SaÏx, who is to the right. This blog, however, is still under construction, and therefore, will not have a link provided.

"True, we don't have hearts, but we remember what it was like. That's what makes us special."
           - SaÏx, Kingdom Hearts II


My main interest is in music composition and I write anything from orchestral to dubstep music and have been doing so for about five years. I have also been playing violin for around eight years. Aside from spending time on my music, I watch anime such as Black Butler and Hakuoki or I play video games like Kingdom Hearts or Borderlands.


After finishing my core classes here at GCC, I hope to transfer to either the University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona or Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona depending on what I choose to major in. I'm more than likely going to get a degree in Biomedical Technology to make robotic prosthetics, but I'm still unsure. At least I have a decent amount of time to decide.

           ~The Luna Diviner, Rin