Friday, October 3, 2014

Entry #7 - Fresh

So I have to ask... Do you think about where your food comes from? Do you know what ingredients are in your chicken nuggets or what pesticides are on your "fresh" fruits and vegetables? I bet you've never put much thought into it. I'm right, aren't I? I never put much thought into it until I watch the movie Fresh in my ENG101 class.

I couldn't find the full movie on the internet - I do apologize for that - but here's a trailer of it at least. The many people mentioned in the movie have different view points as far as farming is concerned. The many focus of the film is to discuss the effects industrialized farming is having on our planet as well as how it impacts our overall health. They also talk about how animals are treated on feed lots versus open range farms. 

To be perfectly honest, I never really thought about what they were feeding the animals on farms or how they were being treated. I also never thought about how filthy industrial farms are. I don't really want to eat that kind of food now. I'd rather eat meat that was properly taken care of and not pumped full of steroids and fed meat and grain as opposed to grass.

After watching the film, me and my friend Stephan Luna went to the store and got some organic milk to try for our cereal. I felt better drinking the organic milk than I would have felt if I drank regular processed milk. We both decided to try and start eating more organic foods as opposed to processed food from now on. I think everyone should consider what it is we are consuming and at least try organic food.

So what do you think? Will you try some organic food? Or will you continue to eat processed food?

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