Friday, September 5, 2014

Entry #1 - You Want My Opinion?

How do I feel about blogs? To be perfectly honest, every blog is special to someone out here. Whether it be a personal blog or a professional blog, someone, somewhere enjoys looking through it. And plus, someone took time out of their life to make that blog and post things in it. Why should I criticize something someone put time into?


Here are just a few of the blogs I have read through and enjoyed.

The blog Mind Blowing Science is incredibly insightful if you like science as much as I do. I am following them on tumblr and it is interesting to see something new from the science world on my dashboard every time I open up tumblr. 

The blog Texts From Kingdom Hearts is entertaining if you like Kingdom Hearts and extremely random head cannons. This blog in particular interests me because they accept requests from fans for their "text messages" between each character in Kingdom Hearts.

KHInsider is the most popular Kingdom Hearts blog on the internet. They share any and all information on Kingdom Hearts including - but not limited to - release dates, fan art, and information on collectibles.

I love going through all the different types of blogs and seeing what each one talks about. Every blog is unique in it's own way. Just like humans are all unique, right?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

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