Sunday, September 14, 2014

Entry #3 - Earth And Technology

We use technology every day. For most people, this means using a cell phone to send a text or a opening laptop to surf the internet. But for others, using technology means helping to shape the world. Technology is more than just iPhones and HP laptops. It's everything we use in our daily lives. Our futures will be impacted greatly by technology and its use. How do you think the world will look in the future? 

Will Earth be desolate and destroyed? 

Or will Earth flourish with everlasting life?

I personally hope for the "Customized Lifestyles Scenario". Consumers will become producers and we will be the new Ethos for society. A world characterized by diversity. We should all have some take on what we want Earth to look like in the future, right? I mean, who isn't curious about something like that?


I hope the video I shared got you thinking. Earth is ever advancing because of technology. Our world will someday be drastically changed by it. What do you hope for the future?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

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