Sunday, September 21, 2014

Entry #6 - The Last Love

Now I'm sure some of you may wonder why it is that I talk about love so often. I talk about it because I never used to understand it. I used to think that love was nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain. A reaction caused by the release of Oxytocin and Dopamine. In all honesty, I felt as though love itself was false. There are always going to be reasons for people to feel this way. I even wrote about my experience with it in my last English paper. It would be so much easier if our soul mate had a matching tattoo that made them easier to find. I'm sure we can all agree on that.

The video "The Last" by Wong Fu Productions - Posted Above - really struck a chord with me. A simple question. "How many have you loved?" Most people would say "You're my one and only." But he states that he has loved five girls. Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Who he loved was a girl from college. What he loved was an old friend. When he loved was his first girlfriend in high school. Where he loved was the girl he met in Los Angeles. Why he loved was a close friend of his who passed away. All of which were people who shaped who he is. It is because he loved them that he loves the way he does.


So how many have there been and how many more will there be? Every person you love shapes who you are. It is because you loved them that you are the way you are. It's what makes you, you. It doesn't matter who your first love was or how many you loved after. What does matter is who your last love turns out to be. So tell me... Who do you think will be the last?

~The Luna Diviner, Rin


  1. This was so moving.... I almost cried. But, it was reassuring about some ways that I think about love. Love and past relationships are definitely without a doubt always a moment to experience character growth and learn about yourself. That tattoo theory of yours is interesting, I would like to see how people would react in that kind of world, but that would be too easy and wouldn't allow to go through all the mistakes I have made that I cherish because they helped me understand certain things. I really liked this video, awesome eye opener.

  2. I agree not only does our love life shape who we are but all the other people contribute as well. Even though it goes against all the principles of existentialism it ties into it. I believe love is a voluntary choice. because if love wasn't our first would be our last. but thats just my philosophy.

  3. Wow Rin, I really enjoyed this post. I'm sure we all can relate in asking ourselves the question of " How many more will there be?", I know I have. This post was actually great timing for me to read because I just asked myself that same exact question not too long ago. Thanks for making me think, who will be the "last".

  4. Nice work with your new posts, Rin. Keep engaging your audience with thoughtful content and rhetoric.
