Thursday, September 18, 2014

Entry #5 - Technological Corruption

There are many different takes on what Earth will be like in the future, but what will actually become of the human race? Will we even still live on Earth? Or will be be out in space on great ships? The possibilities are endless. Technology may impact our lives in a positive way but it is also affecting us in a negative way. We have become so dependent on technology that we don't seem to notice the world around us. Even now, as I type this blog entry, I am barely focusing on the outside world. No one stops to talk to me because I am on my laptop and I have my headphones on. I've basically hung a "do not disturb" sign on me. Is this how we humans should go through life?

In this clip from the movie WALL-E -One of my favorite movies- we see how technology seems to envelope our lives. The man and woman literally knocked out of their seats finally recognized that the "Utopia" they had been living in wasn't as amazing as they had thought. Everyone around them is so enveloped in their fancy chairs that they don't even pay attention to anything that's going on around them. Is this the future we're headed towards? 

I feel as though if we don't start being more social with each other, this may be what our future is like. Earth will be destroyed and humans will no longer care to know other humans face to face. Remember when you were a kid and all you ever cared about was making new friends? How many kids do you know that feel that way in this time period?


So now that you've read this think for a minute... How often do you sit in a crowded place and pull out your phone or put on your headphones? We should all go out and try to make new friends by actually talking to people. Go out into the world and meet someone new. You won't regret it.

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

1 comment:

  1. I've actually found myself in quite similar positions and now realize how oblivious I can be at times! The movie also was great!
