Sunday, October 12, 2014

Entry #9 - Pink Slime

Now I'm sure some of you wonder what it is that is in your McDonald's burger or chicken nuggets. How is it that they can sell them for so cheap? Well it turns out that the "Pink Slime" that you're eating is the extra pieces leftover from the higher dollar cuts of meat. They grind it up finely and heat it at a low temperature to destroy about 95% of the fat and cartilage that happens to be taken off with the meat. 

Why is it that Americans will do anything to save a buck? Even large corporations like McDonald's will do anything to save some money. The meat in the video above is treated with Ammonium Hydroxide in order to kill off any bacteria that may have been in the meat. 

In other countries, fast food places don't do these kind of things. A hamburger is ground beef that hasn't been blended and treated with chemicals. Most other countries don't allow meat from America to be used in their food. Isn't that sad? We Americans will do anything to save time and a few dollars.

Is this "Pink Slime" really something you would want in your kid's school lunches? Wouldn't you be willing to spend an extra dollar or so to prevent them from having to eat this mush? I know you wouldn't want to eat something like this yourself. Some stores don't even carry this stuff anymore. 

So before you buy your next McDonald's burger or package of ground beef, check and see if it came from the notorious "Pink Slime."

~The Luna Diviner, Rin

1 comment:

  1. Heck no I wouldn't want this kinda stuff in my kid's lunches! If I had a kid, they still wouldn't be eating stuff like that.
